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Birth injury of baby girl blamed on her nurses

The birth of a baby is an exciting time for New York parents. They may have dreams and expectations for their child, but the number one priority of most parents is that their little one is born healthy and safe. Sadly, not every delivery goes as planned and some babies sustain a birth injury. The parents of one little girl who lives out of state found themselves in this very situation. Recently, a jury held two nurses accountable for the brain damage the baby suffered during her birth.

When the mother went to the hospital for her delivery, there were no warning signs of any impending trouble. The labor process was normal until the baby's heart rate suddenly dropped. Two nurses who were attending to the mother allegedly saw the change but did not notify the mother's doctor. It wasn't shared that the heart rate of the baby had fallen until the doctor arrived at the mother's room and realized what was wrong. The doctor ordered emergency surgery to deliver the baby but it was too late to avoid severe brain damage.

The little girl was born via C-section and diagnosed with cerebral palsy. The jury who heard the case found the two nurses negligent for their mistake in not informing the doctor of the drop in the baby's heart rate. A sizable amount was awarded in financial compensation. This will go toward the medical care that the little girl will need for her entire life.

A traumatic birth injury affects not just the baby but also the entire family. All of those who care for and love this child -- and other children like her -- must contend with the extensive care required for conditions that result from injuries like this. If a New York family finds themselves in a situation similar to this one, it may be in their best interests to file a medical malpractice civil claim. If it were successful, it could result in monetary restitution that can be used towards an ailing family member's care. A tragedy such as this should never have to happen; but if it does, there are ways to cope.

Source: delcotimes.com, Jury gives $32.M to girl in Chesco medical malpractice case, Michael P. Rellahan, Jan. 22, 2014

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