Syracuse Erb's Palsy Lawyer

Erb's palsy is most often caused by dystocia. For example, this can occur when the baby's head and neck are pulled toward the side at the same time as the shoulders are passing through the birth canal. Oftentimes, this occurs due to negligence on the part of the obstetrician, and his or her delivery team, who delays a C-section or use too much force while pulling the baby out of the birth canal.

Newborns who suffer from Erb's palsy face a lifetime of physical challenges stemming from the inability to use the arm and upper body effectively. Tasks that most people take for granted — such as reaching over your head or tying your shoes — are daily challenges.

An Upstate New York Attorney Skilled In Handling Birth Injury Claims

At Izzo Law Office, we know firsthand that injury claims involving Erb's palsy are emotionally charged. Medical malpractice lawyer Janet Izzo possesses comprehensive experience in the complex legal process.

Janet Izzo has the skill and experience necessary to properly evaluate your situation and determine whether the injuries are the result of negligence by physicians or nurses. She can be trusted to build the strongest possible case on your behalf to maximize your settlement or jury award.

Unlike cerebral palsy and other birth injuries, Erb's palsy is not part of the Neurologically Impaired Infant's Fund (NIIF). Janet and our team will work to make sure that any settlement or jury award reflects the ongoing needs of your child as he or she struggles with the injuries caused by damage to his or her shoulder, neck and surrounding nerves.

Get All Your Legal Questions Answered After An Erb's Palsy Diagnosis

To discuss your legal options with a Syracuse attorney knowledgeable about Erb's Palsy, call Izzo Law Office at 315-421-1000 or toll free at 315-421-1000, or complete our intake form to schedule a free initial consultation.

We take all medical malpractice cases, including those involving an Erb's Palsy diagnosis, on a contingent fee basis. Therefore, you do not owe any legal fees unless we recover compensation on your claim.